His answer is about a complete shift in the way we consume informations.
Look at the recent Google and Virgin America Press Release announcing that they will provide free wi-fi connection during the flights!
Look at the new 'Nook' device from Barnes & Noble, which is not only a new step in using electronic ink nomadic displays, but also a shift in applying the SaaS business model paradigm to books; you can buy, store, read whenever whereever you want. But you can also lend a book freely to one friend during 14 days like you would with a printed version....
Finally, invest some time in reading this: Mobile Web Is Taking Over the World (and Other Internet Trends). The focus of the presentation was on Mobile Internet and 8 key trends that Morgan Stanley has identified, including that social networking + mobile are driving big changes in communication and commerce.
What is- or will shortly be - your contribution to this great and quick shift?!
Are you already integrating these business models within your strategic plans no matter the market and positioning you may have today?