SaaS is turning computing into a utility like the electric grid did for industry.

SaaS is a significant growth driver but fuzzy informations spread over the web make it difficult to understand and differenciate from software hosting environments.

This blog focuses on key success factors driving the development of a successful Business-As-A-Service solution.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Software-As-A-Service Demand Generation : Answer 1 Burning Question (3/7)

You have chosen and defined the personna of a Single Customer you would like to attract.
You have found that single customer online.

Now that this single customer has landed on your micro-site you should engage a conversation with him/her.
You have a maximum of 25 seconds to attract his/her attentation.

So you must answer One Burning Customer that single customer is asking himself/herself. One among the list of top ten daily critical questions you had listed when defining its personna.

That single customer must read a single message and understand that you will aim at answering its question in the best way possible - wich gets you back to your Blue Ocean Strategy work, differenciating from your competitors in the way you will answer to that burning question.

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